Under the Comic Covers
76: The Walking Dead #145

This week, Under the Comic Covers streamlines this episode in discussing The Walking Dead #145: Blood For Blood. Due to Mr. B's vacation plans, we don't answer any letters, don't cover any news, don't offer up any new titles in Top of the Stack, and we don't even deliver our usual top 3 for the issue... instead, we announce the winner of our latest contest to win a signed copy of the variant cover of CHEW #50 and have a simple discussion of what is a very somber, yet spectacular, issue of one of our favorite titles.

We hope you enjoy, and we will return to our regular ol' routine next week. Aloha! 


  1. Intro   (0:00)    
  2. The Walking Dead #145: Blood For Blood   (2:58)
  3. End   (36:03) 

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Category:comics -- posted at: 2:55pm PST