Under the Comic Covers
73: Y: The Last Man, Vol 2: Cycles

Although this was a slow week for new comic releases, Under the Comic Covers still carries on. We continue our way through Brian K. Vaughan's acclaimed completed series, Y: The Last Man with Volume 2: Cycles.

Mr. Blahg brings a beloved reboot to Top of the Stack with Archie #1 by Mark Waid and Fiona Staples; and Grace, unbeknownst to her, finds herself recommending Sunstone by Stjepan Sejic from Top Cow Productions, a beautiful BDSM love story.

And of course, we answer some mail... all for the low low price of nothing but an hour plus of your time. Thanks for listening... and enjoy the show.


  1. Intro   (0:00)    
  2. UtCC News of the Week   (1:33)
  3. Y: The Last Man, Vol 2: Cycles   (5:10)
  4. Y Mail   (42:10)
  5. Top of the Stack: Archie; Sunstone   (50:13)
  6. End   (1:02:22) 

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Category:comics -- posted at: 11:10pm PST