Under the Comic Covers
69: The Walking Dead #143; Wayward #9

Under the Comic Covers is back this week with two favorites... one rather old, the other quite new. The Walking Dead #143: A Union was a fantastic issue with a few surprises and some unadulterated joy (not much, but what do you expect). Wayward #9 uncovers more threads, more spinners, and a potential new stressor in our young heroes' supergroup. 

Grace brings a new title from Image Comics to Top of the Stack, Brian Buccellato and Toni Infante's Sons of the Devil. And as always, we answer your mail and talk about a some comic news of the week.


  1. Intro   (0:00)    
  2. UtCC News of the Week   (1:42)
  3. The Walking Dead #143   (10:18)
  4. The Walking Dead Mail   (28:30)
  5. Wayward #9   (39:45)
  6. Wayward Mail   (1:02:42)
  7. Top of the Stack: Sons of the Devil   (1:12:32)
  8. End   (1:17:18) 

Any questions, comments, or happy hair feathers can be sent to feedback@utccovers.com

You can also leave us a voicemail at (678) 796-UTCC, that's (678) 796-8822

Download and subscribe to this podcast in iTunes here

We can also be found on the Stitcher Radio app for both iPhone and Android users.

Look for us on Facebook at facebook.com/underthecomiccovers

Follow us on Twitter @UtCCovers 

And visit our Tumblr page underthecomiccovers.com 

Be sure to also check out the other great podcasts on the Podcastica Network.

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Category:comics -- posted at: 11:12pm PDT

68: Manifest Destiny #15; Revival #30; Y: The Last Man, Vol 1: Unmanned

This week Under the Comic Covers begins covering Brian K. Vaughan's Y: The Last Man with Volume 1: Unmanned. It's always a pleasure to begin a new completed series, and this is no exception. We also cover two of our favorite books, Manifest Destiny #15 and Revival #30, both with plenty to go over and discuss.

Grace brings a new title from Dark Horse Comics to Top of the Stack, Kelly Thompson and Meredith McClaren's Heart in a Box. And as always, we answer your mail and talk about a few news items and/or reminders. 


  1. Intro   (0:00)    
  2. UtCC News of the Week   (2:47)
  3. Manifest Destiny #15   (9:50)
  4. Manifest Destiny Mail   (22:58)
  5. Revival #30   (28:17)
  6. Revival Mail   (46:39)
  7. Y: The Last Man, Vol 1: Unmanned   (49:48)
  8. Y Mail   (1:35:41)
  9. Top of the Stack: Heart in a Box   (1:39:06)
  10. End   (1:42:13) 

Any questions, comments, or Fezron urine can be sent to feedback@utccovers.com

You can also leave us a voicemail at (678) 796-UTCC, that's (678) 796-8822

Download and subscribe to this podcast in iTunes here

We can also be found on the Stitcher Radio app for both iPhone and Android users.

Look for us on Facebook at facebook.com/underthecomiccovers

Follow us on Twitter @UtCCovers 

And visit our Tumblr page underthecomiccovers.com 

Be sure to also check out the other great podcasts on the Podcastica Network.

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Category:comics -- posted at: 11:42pm PDT

67: The Walking Dead #142; Saga #29; Copperhead #8; Black Science #15

This week we go Under the Comic Covers of four of our favorite titles. We start with The Walking Dead #142: A Gathering, followed by Saga #29, the penultimate issue of the current arc. As if that weren't enough action for one week, we tackle two other non-stop rides with Copperhead #8 and Black Science #15.

Mr. Blahg brings a new Image Comics title to Top of the Stack, Brian Wood and Danijel Zezelj's dark and haunting Starve. As always we answer your mail and talk about a few news items and/or reminders. 


  1. Intro   (0:00)    
  2. UtCC News of the Week   (1:39)
  3. The Walking Dead #142   (5:19)
  4. The Walking Dead Mail   (20:20)
  5. Saga #29   (25:58)
  6. Saga Mail   (42:35)
  7. Copperhead #8   (48:46)
  8. Copperhead Mail   (1:05:10)
  9. Black Science #15   (1:07:55)
  10. Black Science Mail   (1:20:00)
  11. Top of the Stack: Starve   (1:28:16)
  12. End   (1:30:46) 

Any questions, comments, or wineskins of firey dragon semen can be sent to feedback@utccovers.com

You can also leave us a voicemail at (678) 796-UTCC, that's (678) 796-8822

Download and subscribe to this podcast in iTunes here

We can also be found on the Stitcher Radio app for both iPhone and Android users.

Look for us on Facebook at facebook.com/underthecomiccovers

Follow us on Twitter @UtCCovers 

And visit our Tumblr page underthecomiccovers.com 

Be sure to also check out the other great podcasts on the Podcastica Network.

Direct download: UtCC_-_Episode_67_-_Completed.m4a
Category:comics -- posted at: 9:55pm PDT

66: Nailbiter #13

Under the Comic Covers spends some time in Buckaroo, Oregon this week as we delve into Joshua Williamson and Mike Henderson's Nailbiter #13 from Image Comics. With a mix of flashbacks and horrific new revelations, this month's entry is one you can't miss.

Both Grace and Mr. B have offerings this week for Top of the Stack. First, Grace discusses BOOM Studios' Broken World by Frank Barbiere and Christopher Peterson... followed by Mr. Blahg and Image Comics' Airboy by James Robinson and Greg Hinkle.

As always we answer your mail and talk about a few news items and/or reminders. Enjoy!


  1. Intro   (0:00)    
  2. UtCC News of the Week   (2:27)
  3. Nailbiter #13   (9:05)
  4. Nailbiter Mail   (24:54)
  5. Top of the Stack: Broken World; Airboy   (29:38)
  6. End   (39:05) 

Any questions, comments, or urine soaked vigilante suits can be sent to feedback@utccovers.com

You can also leave us a voicemail at (678) 796-UTCC, that's (678) 796-8822

Download and subscribe to this podcast in iTunes here

We can also be found on the Stitcher Radio app for both iPhone and Android users.

Look for us on Facebook at facebook.com/underthecomiccovers

Follow us on Twitter @UtCCovers 

And visit our Tumblr page underthecomiccovers.com 

Be sure to also check out the other great podcasts on the Podcastica Network.

Direct download: UtCC_-_Episode_66_-_Completed.m4a
Category:comics -- posted at: 8:27pm PDT